JasDB Docker container

Published on and last modified on by Renze de Vries.

We have recently released a Docker container for running JasDB. This should make it extremely simple for everyone to get their JasDB installation up and running.

Docker commands

In order to get your docker container with JasDB up and running make sure you have a system with docker installed.

In order to run a simple JasDB container simply run the following: docker run -d -p 7050:7050 renarj/jasdb:1.1.2

This however uses a default volume, we highly recommend storing the JasDB on a safe secured volume. Here is an example how to bind it to a host available path: docker run -v /Users/devuser/dev/docker/volumes/jasdb-data:/jasdb-data -p 7050:7050 renarj/jasdb:1.1.2

We highly recommend checking the Docker documentation on volume management. The volume inside the JasDB container is always mapped on ‘/jasdb-data’.

Docker hub

We have made the container available on docker hub here: Docker Hub JasDB